Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Good On EFF At The 2016 Apple Stockholders Meeting!

Good On EFF At The 2016 Apple Stockholders Meeting!


Im a supporter of the EFF, Electronic Frontier Foundation. Heres another free plug as thanks for their excellent work.

EFF to Apple Shareholders: Your Company Is Fighting for All of Us
. . . We’ve long warned that the FBI seeks to undermine the security for technology users, and have been warning that a showdown like this one was coming. Make no mistake, all of us have our security at stake here. There is no reliable way to build a pathway to undermine Apple’s security that will only let in good guys. And once it has built this path, there is no way that the law will limit Apple to using it on a single phone. Neither the technology nor the law supports this. As security expert Bruce Schneier said, either we all have security or none of us does.

So its gratifying to see Apple take this stand to protect the security and privacy of its customers. We are supporting Apple publicly and will be filing a friend of the court brief siding with them because it’s wrong for the government to conscript Apple or any company or coder to write and certify brand new code that they believe, rightly, will undermine security features that protect us all.

This is about all of our safety and resisting government overreach. These are hard battles to fight—we know, we’ve been fighting them for many years. We’re proud of Apple for supporting strong encryption, which at its heart is supporting civil liberties. And we’re proud to stand with them on this fight.

- Cindy Cohn, Executive Director of the Electronic Frontier Foundation
Apples Shareholders Offer Support for Stance Against U.S.
When Cindy Cohn, executive director of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, rose during the meeting at Apple headquarters in Cupertino, California, to praise the company, her words sparked a long round of applause from the audience, including Cook on stage.

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